Message from Craigory


Welcome to my cooking blog!

One of the greatest joys I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing, was watching the expressions on the faces of those who were enjoying the creation that I had set before them.

Using all 5 of our senses in such a way that we can completely lose ourselves to the fantastic culinary treasures is something that has always been a passion.  The sweetness of strawberries, the crisp crunch of vegetables, the smell of a roast in the oven, the sight of creativity on a plate and the sounds of something cooking are all something that we personally know on a daily basis.

With what I have learned over the years and continuing to learn today, I will share some of my favourite recipes for soups, sauces, side dishes, main meal ideas, desserts and beverages. Only from what I have experienced personally is what I will be sharing along with you.

I hope you enjoy what you see, discover something you might not have tried yet, new combinations that you have not heard of, but most of all, something captivating.


Craigory R. McPherson